University Marketing & Communications

Communications Services

Our communications professionals use the proficiency they have honed in tailoring messages to distinct audiences to craft messages for print, broadcast and digital platforms. Our professional editors can also offer support writing or editing your messaging. We will ensure that the content is consistent with the University’s brand message and complies with the Branding Standards.

Methods to Communicate to Campus


  • Op-ed Assistance—Our staff can help shape and pitch your written commentary to area publications;
  • Media Training—We’re here to help prepare you for interviews;
  • Expert Listing & Speakers’ Bureau—Want to be a media consultant in your field of expertise? Let us know.

Campus News

We strive to offer the latest updates and accomplishments of UM students, faculty, alumni and campus programs. This information is distributed via press releases, available on the UM website and sent to local media. To request coverage, please submit a request. Have an exciting campus news tip? Send it to with the subject line “News Tip.”

Student Spotlight

Nominate yourself or a friend to be featured in our Student Spotlight.

Student Spotlight Archives

CRM Management

The Office of University Marketing & Communications manages the Slate CRM database for institutional marketing and recruitment initiatives. Please contact TJ Herlihy, CRM Manager and Data Analyst, by phone at (205) 665-6191 or by e-mail at with all CRM inquiries.

Media Relations

The University Marketing and Communications team often acts as the official liaison between the University and local media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, TV, radio stations and online publications. If a UM employee is contacted by local media, they are encouraged to use professional discretion and notify Marketing and Communications of any inquiries. If you would like to be a campus expert on your field or a certain topic, please submit your information the University Marketing & Communications office for the Expert Listing & Speakers’ Bureau. University Marketing & Communications also sends notices of graduation or an academic honor to the student’s hometown newspaper. Send an email to us with the subject line “Hometown News” and we will assist with getting the achievement to the student’s hometown newspaper.

Media Inquiries

Please contact Wesley Hallman, Director of Communications, by phone at (205) 665-6231 or by e-mail at with all media inquiries.

For the Media

Latest Campus News

Media Kit

Montevallo Today

Montevallo Today, the University’s award-winning alumni magazine, is produced by the University Marketing & Communications Office in connection with the Alumni Affairs Office.

It features alumni profiles, a message from the president, campus news and features, athletics updates, and a widely read class notes section.

Have a story idea?

We always welcome suggestions, contact

Update us with a Class Note

Contact or update your information here.

Latest Issue of Montevallo Today